Area & Area Calculation

Area & Area Calculation

1. Measure to nearest centimetre the length and width of the regular shaped rectangle using a ruler.

Area & Area Calculation

Area & Area Calculation

Area of a rectangle is given by the following formula:

Area of a rectangle

Calculate the area of the above rectangle or any rectangle

Area of a rectangle

2. Area of a right angled triangle is given by the following formula.

Area of a rectangle

Calculate the area of the following triangle or any of the triangle

Area of a rectangle

Area of a Right Angled Triangle

Area of a Right Angled Triangle

3. Area of a circle is given by the following formula

Area of a Circle

Area of a Circle

Area of a Circle

If the radius of the circle is 2cm, calculate the area of the circle

Area of a Circle

Read 1367 times Last modified on Wednesday, 22 February 2017