Nulla eleifend vel risus eget ultricies. Praesent sed tortor sem. Vestibulum elementum, lectus id dignissim condimentum, nunc felis rhoncus enim; ac pretium tellus erat at sapien. Duis vitae vehicula libero. Vivamus vitae scelerisque ante.
Nulla eleifend vel risus eget ultricies. Praesent sed tortor sem. Vestibulum elementum, lectus id dignissim condimentum, nunc felis rhoncus enim; ac pretium tellus erat at sapien. Duis vitae vehicula libero. Vivamus vitae scelerisque ante.
Mass is one of the base quantities in SI system of units which is measured in kilogram and denoted by kg.
1. Measure to nearest centimetre the length and width of the regular shaped rectangle using a ruler.
In studying physics measurement is the foundation of the subject.